A professionally dressed and friendly WEG staff will be onsite to keep photo flowing.

Choose one of our stock backdrops or we can have a customized backdrop made with your own logo or artwork.

With Green Screen, your plain background now becomes more interesting with options of Leaning Tower of Pisa, Beach landscape, and more.

Your company's logo can be added to the photo booth unit and prints can also be customized to include logos.

Customize your photos with a template you provide or we can work with you to develop one.

Guests can leave a 10 second video to toast or promote your product.

Props are included in every rental and can be customized to your event. Virtual props can also be added to your pictures.

Give guests a party keepsake of a high quality print in 4x6 or 2x6 strips.

Guests can instantly share photos and video messages via email, text, Facebook, or Twitter. In addition, photos will be available for download via the online photo gallery.